Why To Exfoliate Skin???
Hi Friends, today's topic is related to a really very very important step in our skin care regime.
We always keep hearing and reading about scrubbing or exfoliation, if we want a smooth skin.
Today lets discuss a little bit more about what is exfoliation and why is it so important in maintaining a healthy & glowing skin.
If your skin is looking dull and rough, the instant way which can help is exfoliation.
Exfoliation means rubbing your skin gently with a loofah or a electronic exfoliation device etc, to remove the dead skin cells accumulated on the surface of the skin, so that healthy skin cells can take their place and thus helping in a smoother appearance of skin.
Some thing more about Exfoliation:
Keep glowing !
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Hi Friends, today's topic is related to a really very very important step in our skin care regime.
We always keep hearing and reading about scrubbing or exfoliation, if we want a smooth skin.
Today lets discuss a little bit more about what is exfoliation and why is it so important in maintaining a healthy & glowing skin.
If your skin is looking dull and rough, the instant way which can help is exfoliation.
Exfoliation means rubbing your skin gently with a loofah or a electronic exfoliation device etc, to remove the dead skin cells accumulated on the surface of the skin, so that healthy skin cells can take their place and thus helping in a smoother appearance of skin.
Some thing more about Exfoliation:
- Our skin is always undergoing a renewal process, wherein it shed the old dead skin cells and produce the fresh ones. Now these dead skin cells keep on piling up on the upper surface of the skin leading to dull, rough and dry skin.
- As we age this process of natural exfoliation becomes slow and more and more dead skin cells gets accumulated on skin making it appear dull and unhealthy.
- So with the process of exfoliation, we should remove the piled up dead cells so that the fresh skin cells can come up, making skin look young and smooth. You will instantly feel the difference how your skin feels when you touch it.
- If the dead cells keep on accumulating on the skin, it leads to clogged pores which can be the reason for acne and pimples.
- When through the exfoliation, we remove the dead skin cells, then whatever beauty products like moisturizers or serums we are using, those will be properly absorbed and thus will be giving better results.
- Now a day, so many options are available in the market to choose your way for exfoliation. They can be manual like brushes or loofah or electronic devices. They can be ready made scrubs or home made scrub.
- Before you start exfoliation, always keep in mind to not to over do it. Over exfoliation can lead to dryness. It is recommended not to exfoliate your skin for more than 2 times a week.
- You need to select a proper method and product suitable for your skin.
- For examples, while choosing a face scrub always do consider whether your skin is sensitive or not. There are so many scrubs from different brands available in market, some are more harsh and strong, some are more creamy and soft on skin, some are specially for sensitive skin. You need to choose according to your skin type.
- I generally love making home made scrubs for my face and body..I have shared one of them in my blog too.. You can try that too, works great. Here is the link http://happychanceus.blogspot.in/2016/05/diy-home-made-face-scrub-with-oats.html
- If you are on a budget, you can use manual stuff like loofah or exfoliate brushes or Pumice stone for heals or Exfoliating Gloves etc
- If you are willing to spend some more money, many brands these days have launched their exfoliating devices which can be used for body as well as face.
- Exfoliation can be done in shower or before going to shower that is dry brushing your skin.
Keep glowing !
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