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Showing posts with label book reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book reviews. Show all posts

Book Review: The Sinners By Sourabh Mukherjee

Book Review: The Sinners By Sourabh Mukherjee

Hi Friends!

Hope you are doing awesome and reading some amazing books...

Today's review is about a book named as ' The Sinners' by an Indian author Sourabh Mukherjee.

The Sinners is a fast paced thriller with a shocking twist that unravels against the backdrop of corporate warfare, illicit relationships and ruthless seduction games.

Plot Summary:
Vikram Oberoi is found dead in his penthouse. A few hours ago, his involvement in a sex scandal in NexGen Technologies made headlines across the world.
Who is behind the sinister conspiracy that destroyed Vikram Oberoi, the philandering India Head of NexGen? Rivals within and outside the firm? One of his many jilted lovers or the miffed wife? A mysterious conspirator laying out honey traps to sabotage his plans? Or, is it the ghost of a sinful past that continues to haunt the Oberois?

Genre: Fiction

Language: English

Publisher: Srishti Publishers

No. Of Pages: 191

Price: Rs 199/-

Format: Paperback

About The Author:
Sourabh Mukherjee has written two psychological thriller novels and three short story collections appreciated by readers, critics and the media. His books have been adapted into audio books and considered for screen adaptations. He works in a senior leadership position in a global technology firm. He speaks frequently in technology conferences in India and abroad, and has authored a popular book on emerging technologies.

My Review:
It is a story about protagonist Vikram Oberoi, a senior leder in the NexGen. The stroy shows how uncontrollable desire for money, power, success and women can lead to downfall and fatal consequences.

The story starts with Vikram found dead in his penthouse. The story goes in flashback. The story is about corporate politics and surrounding conspiracies and scandals. Vikram is a womaniser and often gets involved with the ladies from inside and outside office. His tough time starts when NexGen started loosing on its market, his postion is challenged by other employees of the company, unhappy married life ... Vikram soon falls prey into a big conspiracy and looses everything..

I must say that the story has enough twists and turns to keep readers engaged. Although, it is not one of the most unique story I have read but the plot has pretty decent suspense. The language is very simple and all the characters and the scenes can be visualised easily. Narration is clear with no overlapping and confusion.

People have to pay for their sins is what the story says.
A fast read. Here is link to buy a copy for yourself:

Links To My Other Interesting Posts:

Book Review: I- Duryodhana!

Book Review: A Useful Death

Book Review: A Ramayana Secret

Useful Products From Bonita!

Till my next post....Happy Reading! :)

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Book Review: I, Duryodhana... By Pradeep Govind

Book Review: I, Duryodhana...  By Pradeep Govind

Hello Lovely Readers,

I am back again with an another book review. The book today I will share here, will surely be in my favourite list of book of this year.
The name of the book is 'I, Duryodhana' by an Indian author Pradeep Govind.

Plot Summary: Awaiting emancipation through,the embrace of death, Duryodhana, the fallen Kaurava prince reminisces about the past as he narrates his version of the incidents that unfolded in his life, starting from his birth as a lump of flesh.
Truth is frail and often vulnerable to distortion as history tends to favour the victors. This saga of pride, loyalty and heroism interlaced with deceit, hypocrisy and betrayal, leaves the readers with that one vital question, ' Who is to blame?'

Genre: Fiction

Language: English

Publisher: Om Books International

No.Of Pages: 344

Price: Rs 295/-

Format: Paperback

My Review:
Starting with the beautiful cover, very apt for the title. Gives a hint that story might be something about a warrior or a powerful king in the battlefield... 

The story starts right from the birth of Duryodhana. The book is based on the Epic Indian tale of Mahabharata from Duryodhana point of view, which is very different and unique from the traditional story we have always heard.
I personally have never ever read or heard much of Duryodhana, so reading a story revolving around him was fun to read. It shows all the dynamics Of Hastinapur. The chemistry between the cousin brothers. The struggles and politics surrounding the title of 'Crown Prince Of Hastinapur..

It conveys a message that sometimes it is just the circumstances not the actions, that can portray some people good and some people in a bad light.

The book is enthralling with a great detailing. Each scene and character is well built and portrayed.
I did not found continuity breaking at any point of time.

Sometimes, these kind of books could feel heavy but this one is well balanced and comfortable to read. Pace is neither too fast nor too slow.

I must say the book is an adventure in itself and would highly like to recommend it. I totally loved reading it. The book feels well researched and well written.

Here is the link to buy :

Links To Other Interesting Posts:

Book Review: A Useful Death

Plum Goodness Skincare Brand Review

Book Review: Designing Destiny

Have you tried Bamboo Toothbrushes yet?

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Till my next post, Happy Reading!
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Book Review: A Useful death By Sriram Chellapilla

Book Review: A Useful death By Sriram Chellapilla

Hello Lovely Readers,

Hope everyone is doing good.
Today I would be reviewing a book named as 'A Useful Death' by an Indian author Sriram Chellapilla.

Plot Summary: Aspiring actress Priya is dead. It's a suicide and rumour has it that Anil, son of politician and former Telgu movie superstar Mohan Krishna, drove her to it. Just another film industry scandal? Or something bigger, much bigger?
Partha, hired by Mohan Krishna's family to handle the crisis, thinks so. Why won't such a powerful father defend his son, Partha wonders. Is there an intra- family war? Whose interests are playing out in the media and on social media? Is a political game afoot or is this all connected to Mohan Krishna's own dubious past? And why are student unions getting involved?
Even as Partha and his associates, Seema and Harish, confront the ethics of being involved in a war with no heroes, they are drawn into a dangerous hunt. They must negotiate a tangled and vicious world to answer one question: a young woman is dead- to whom is her death useful?

Genre: Fiction

Language: English

Publisher: Westland Publications

Format: Paperback

No. Of Pages: 410

Price: Rs 399/-

My Review:
The story starts with a suicide of a struggling actress Priya. Soon after her death, rumors started to fume that Anil son of politician and former movie superstar Mohan Krishna is involved...
Is it suicide or a murder?
The book is definitely a good and interesting thriller to read. Story and the plot is quite engaging and full of twists and turns. It shows some of the ugly truth of our society...Be it in film industry or as a society as a whole...

Language is pretty simple and people with different age group can easily enjoy reading this. Fast read.Can be easily finished in a couple of days...

Overall a good thriller by an Indian author.
Make sure to pick a copy for yourself...Here is the link to buy:

Links To Some Of My Other Interesting Posts:

Book Review: A Princess Quest

Book Review: The Ramayana Secret

All About Plum Goodness skincare!

Book Review: Sniper's Eye!

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Till my next post. Happy Reading!

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Book Review: The Life And Times Of A Common Man By Sanjay Chandra

Book Review: The Life And Times Of A Common Man By Sanjay Chandra

Hello Lovely Readers!

Hope everyone is doing good!
The book today we are talking about is about a man from a middle class family in India and his journey and challenges to fulfill his dreams. The name of the book is The Life And Times Of A Common Man by author Sanjay Chandra.

Plot Summary: He was born in a middle class family in small town India of the late fifties.
His parents chose for him the direction that his life should take. Yet, something was lacking. Was this the path that he was meant to walk? Did he want this?
He fought his chosen destiny at every stage of his life. Would he be able to realise his true destiny?

Genre: Biography

Language: English

Format: Paperback

Publisher: Notion Press

No. Of Pages: 156

Price: Rs 195/-

About The Author: Sanjay Chandra was born in a middle class family in small town India in 1959. He completed his professional degree in electrical engineering and hoined the railway services. He first quit his railway job to join a government company and then quit government job to join private sector. Eventually, he quit the private sector also and became an entrepreneur. He started writing his memoirs on social media, when he realised that people from middle class India still faces the dilemmas that he faced during his journey of life.

I really liked the way author has shared his journey of life as a common man..
Being born in a middle class family in India comes with a lot of expectations. In the time author was born, mostly career was chosen by the family. A kid simply has to follow a life path pre decided for him..But what if someone wants something else ?
Will a common man in India will always be a part of the crowd and follow pre decided destiny..Or is it in the hands of a common man to make his life uncommon...
Book is like his diary full of his memories from different stages of his life...Childhood, teenager, starting of his career..
Author has made a very honest attempt and kept the details and experiences realistic.
People who belong to the same group will even enjoy it more.
A nice read!

Make sure to pick a copy for yourself:

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Book Review: A Princess Quest

Skincare Plum Goodness Review

Book Review: Sniper's Eye!

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Book Review: The Girl With Blue Eyes By Vaiibhav Nigam

Book Review: The Girl With Blue Eyes By Vaiibhav Nigam

Hello Readers,

Hope everyone is doing great. Today's review is about a book, which is a romantic thriller.
The name of the book is 'The Girl With Blue Eyes' by an Indian author Vaiibhav Nigam.

Plot Summary: It was love at first sight for Armaan when he saw Tanisha.Despite being exact opposites of each other, they manage to keep their relationship alive. Unfortunately, things do not go as planned and they develop compatibilty issues.
In an unexpected turn of events, he comes upon an accident. Though he survives, the faint memory of a striking face with blue eyes flashed right before he collapsed and the accident haunts him forever.
Months later, Armaan has a chance to encounter with the same 'Girl with Blue Eyes' and unknowingly, he is lured into an affair he cannot deny! While he makes all the attempts to hide this from Tanisha, things start to get out-of-control as he is now in a dual relationship. As events unfold, he realizes this mysterious 'Girl with Blue Eyes' comes with a lot of surprises.
Must this 'Girl with Blue Eyes' rake up his ordinary world?

Genre: Fiction

Language: English

Format: Paperback

No. Of Pages: 203

Price: Rs 225/-

About The Author: Vaiibhav Nigam is an author and a speaker. When it comes to writing he likes to write engaging romantic thrillers that keeps the readers at the edge of their seats. He believes that everything has a story if we really pay attention.

My Review: The Prologue of the book is really interesting and a little different. It will surely make you turn the pages instantly.

It is a romantic thriller but with lots of twists and turns, which makes it different from the regular romantic books.

The protaganist Armaan falls in love with Tanisha right away the first time he saw her. Feelings started to develop and very soon they were in a relationship. Tanisha seems to be a perfect girl for him, decent, shy and stable.
His destiny took a sharp turn when he met with an accident and before he zoned out, a woman's face with Blue eyes flashed right before him whom he does not know.

Things started to get normal, but then suddendly one day at mall he spotted that same girl with those Blue eyes whom he saw in his accident. She was Rutvi and she was exactly opposite of Tanisha. Rutvi was bold, confident and attractive. Very soon Armaan and Rutvi become friends and were having an affair..

So, you need to read the book further to know why Armaan cheated on his girlfriend Tanisha. Did he got caught? Will he regret his decision to have a relationship with Rutvi...And why did he saw her at the time of his accident just before collapsing.. Who actually is Rutvi??
The book is a ride with suspense..

The language is pretty simple. For me personally it was an average read.
The ending of the book is really interesting and full of mystery.
Good one time read. Definitely a Fast read.

Here is the Link to buy:

Links To My Other Interesting Posts:

Book Review: The Ramayana Secret

Skin Care Brand Plum Goodness

Kold Pure Press Oils!

Book Review Of Snipers Eye!

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Till my next post, Happy Reading! :)

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Book Review: A Princess's Quest For Knowledge By Soumya Torvi

Book Review: A Princess's Quest For Knowledge! By Soumya Torvi

Hello Lovely Readers!

Who else still loves to read books meant for Children?
If you do, then today's book review will surely interests you. The book I have today is 'A Princess's Quest For Knowledge' By Indian author Soumya Torvi.

Plot Summary: Princess Vaishali is devastated when her younger brother, Prince Bhuvan is sent to gurukul and she is told that girls are not allowed to study there. She makes up her mind that no one can stop her from learning.
After penance for months, she hears the voice of the Lord. She follows the voice's instructions and finds a magical pendant with clues written on it. She uses her knowledge from stories she has heard and books she has read to solve one clue, but in the process, transforms into a squirrel. In her quest for knowledge, she confidently moves against the tide, only to be met with several adventures.
Will this challenge transform her into other forms? Will she ever become a princess again?
A Princess's Quest for knowledge unravels the truth behind the mysterious events in her life.

Genre: Fiction

Language: English

Publisher: Srishti Publishers

Illustrations By: Martin James

No. Of Pages: 78

Price: Rs 150/-

Format: Paperback

About The Author: Soumya Torvi is a software engineer turned writer who is very passionate about writing for children. Her stories have been published in leading children's magazines. She has also written books about the inspiring tales of achievers which have been translated into Vietnamese. Her story hungry children continously motivate her to spin more tales.

Review: I loved reading this book. Although it is meant for kids, but still it has a strong story line and a message. It is a story about princess Vaishali, who is hungry for knowledge and exposure. Since she was denied for the admission in the gurukul, she herself goes for a personal quest for learning and knowledge and end up turning herself into a squirrel.Will she ever be back as a princess again? What all adventures she would face during this journey...
Starting with the cover, it is super cute as well as relevant.

The writing and narration is simple and smooth, perfect for kids. Language used is easy. It is a great book to introduce kids to mythology fictions. On page X, author explains all the ten avatars of Lord Vishnu known as 'Dashaavataar'. I think it is a nice book for kids. It is a quick read. Kids will find the book engaging ans simple.
The book is filled with beautiful illustrations, which makes book meant for children super interesting.
I am sure kids will enjoy reading this one!! :)

Here is the link to buy:

Links To My Other Interesting Posts:

Book Review: The Ramayan Secret

Plum Goodness Skincare!

Book Review: Life In The Sunshine

Book Review: Snipers Eye

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Till my next post, Happy Reading! :-)

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Book Review: The Ramayana Secret By Anurag Chandra

Book Review: The Ramayana Secret By Anurag Chandra

Hi Friends!

I am back with yet another book review by an Indian author Anurag Chandra.
The name of the book is 'The Ramayana Secret' and it is a mythology fiction.
"The Ramayana Secret is Rama's story, not as you know it but as it happened"

Plot Summary: Ravana has jeopardised the peaceful co- existence of the inner and outer Earths. The divine scripts are in his custody and the demon king is invincible. Rama is tasked with the secret mission of securing the scripts and handing them back to their rightful owners. Assuming the identity of Dasharatha's son, Rama prepares for battle, aided by emissaries from the inner Earth kingdom of Agartha and sages residing in Dandaka.
Will this alliance between the kingdom of Agartha and Kosala save humanity from an impending disaster? Why is Rama real identity kept a secret? Who has decided to reveal the secret about Rama's origins and Why? Was Sita the real reason Rama fought against Ravana?

Genre:Fiction\ Mythology

Language: English

No. Of Pages: 215

Price: Rs 295/-

Publisher: Om Books International

Format: Paperback

About The Author: Anurag Chandra is a New Delhi based serial entrepreneur, educator and author with a Bachelor's degree in engineering from IIT Kanpur. After a brief stint as a software consultant in New York, he started his own educational venture, Eduwiser to create content for competitive test preparations. He has also been featured in India Today for his entrepreneurial work.
Anurag considers writing therapeutic as it transports him to an imaginative world filled with myriad characters. The Ramayana Secret marks his foray into fiction.

Review: Mythology Fictions have always been one of my favourite genre to read. The book's name is The Ramayana Secret and as the title suggests, it definitely fits perfect into the category.

Starting with the book cover, it looked pretty average to me, nothing too intriguing. I seriously think that something more could have been added to it, to make it look more magical and inviting.

That being said about the first impression of the book cover, the first few pages of the book made me fall in love with the story immediately. Obviously it is a story about Lord Ram and our very own oldest Indian tale Ramayana. But the author has told the story of Ramayana, from all together different angle.
All the characters are definitely picked up from the Ramayana story we have always heard, but the plot build up is very unique and innovative. There are lots of twists and turns in the story. There are many surprises for the readers because since it is Ramayana, we tend to expect somethings as we have always heard. So, that makes the whole reading experience very interesting.

I liked the concept of the inner and outer earth. How Ram belonged to a different world and was sent on a secret mission with a cover up identity and a plan. Why Sita was kidnapped by the Lankan King Ravana is also quite interesting. The book covers a whole story about how Ravana overtook Lanka and became its king. Why is he so powerful!! Was Sita a sole purpose of the war between Rama and Ravana.....

The first half of the book is very fast and every page brings something new, while the second half of the book is comparatively slower.
The book depicts the Family Tree of Kosala, Videha and Anga Kingdoms and Family tree of Lankans in the form of flowchart in the beginning of the book.

I would highly recommend this book to all the fiction lovers since the plot is very imaginative and interesting.  I loved reading it and look forward more from the author.

Here is the link to buy:

Links To Some Other Interesting Posts:

Book Review: Life In Sunshine

Book Review: Designing Destiny

All About Kold Pure Press Oils

Have You Tried Bamboo Toothbrushes?

Book Review: I am M M Mumbai

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Till my next post, Happy Reading! :-)

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Book Review: Life In the Sunshine By T.Sathish

Book Review: Life In the Sunshine By T.Sathish

Hi Friends,

Today's review is about a book named as 'Life In The Sunshine' Autobiography of an unknown Cricketer by an Indian author T. Sathish

Indians are crazy for cricket and Cricket is so much more than just a sport for us! :)

Plot Summary: Sat, Sam and Trib are teenagers and they love cricket. They spend most of their time watching and playing the sport they love. They dream of making their living in the sport.
When they are not playing the game, they put on their thinking cap and come up with alternate versions of important matches or provide parodic answers to questions that have plagued cricket fans over the years.
However, fate intervenes in their idyllic life. On 18th April 1986, Javed Miandad hits Chetan sharma for a six in Shahjah and leaves their cricket viewing life in tatters.The after effects of this fateful event, continue to haunt them for many years.
Sat fails to graduate from school level cricket to state level cricket. He is heartbroken by the loss of his dreams and faces a mini identity crisis.
How do the boys solve their problems?
Will the boys ever recover from that Javed Miandad incident?
Will Sat get his mojo back?
Sat takes you through his nostalgic memories of the sport and narrates his coming of age story, which is deeply influenced by the sport.

Genre: Autobiography

Publisher: Notion Press

Language: English

No.Of Pages: 211

Price: Rs 221/-

About The Author: T. Sathish is an IIM Calcutta alumnus and works in Cognizant technology solutions. Sathish is an avid sports fan and a writer. Sathish writes columns in the cricket section of, an online sports magazine. He has published a short story named 'Hang in there' on the Juggernaut publishing's digital writing platform. Sathish lives in Chennai with his family.

My Review:
In India, Cricket is not just a sport! It is so much more than that...
I am sure all of us have some memories related to playing or watching cricket... I remember watching world cups with my family...
I remember whenever there was a match between India and Pakistan, it felt like a national holiday on the streets... We can easily say Indians are crazy for cricket!!
But for someone who had wanted to make it as his dream career, memories will be much more special & personal and that is what the author has shared, about his journey of wanting to be a cricketer and play for the country.
The book is about the journey of Sat and his two friends Sam and Trib, who loved the game and wanted to play for the country.
The bond  of these three friends is very beautifully portrayed. It is about their struggles, failures, efforts and funny childhood incidents. Their passion and immense love for cricket is what their life was all about, in their growing years.
It is not like a documentary or a typical autobiography, rather the book feels more like reading about life of a ordinary boy next door, who is very passionate for the sport.

It is a very simple book. Narration is simple and clear yet fast paced. You will not be bored.
People who love to play cricket will especially enjoy reading this book. Teenagers will love this book specially. People who have seen cricket in 80s and 90s will relate to it nicely. A lot has been talked about cricket in it.
Book has a very positive feel to it and will surely bring many smiles.
Do pick a copy for yourself:

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Book Review: Narasimha By Kevin Missal

Book Review: Sniper's Eye

My Favourite Himalaya Herbals Products!

Book Review: Alpha Yeti

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Till my next post, Happy Reading! :-)

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Book Review: Narasimha: The Mahaavatar Trilogy By Kevin Missal

Book Review: Narasimha: The Mahaavatar Trilogy By Kevin Missal

Hello My Lovely Readers,

Hope every one is doing great and enjoying reading!
I love to read Indian Mythology Fictions and today is yet another one from this genre.
It is Book 1 of the The Mahaavatar Trilogy Series : Narasimha from an Indian author Kevin Missal.

I have read books from Kevin Missal before and have really liked his way of storytelling. So, let us see if this book too is as good as his earlier books....

Plot Summary: Narasimha, once a brave soldier, has left the war and lies low as a physician in a village. But a familiar face from his past seeks his help to stop the tyranny of the blind usurper- Andhaka. If Narasimha refuses, the world might just end. What will he do? And why did he leave the war in the first place?
Prahlad, the interim king of Kashyapuri, is torn between the ideas of his unrighteous father and his love for Lord Vishnu. Whom will he choose?
Hiranyakashyap, the ruler of the Asura empire, wants to avenge the death of his wife. To do that, he must go through the Trials and get the ultimate weapon- the Brahmashastra. But the tribals have sent so many others to their death. Can Hiranyakashyap survive?

Genre: Mythological Fiction

Language: English

Format: Paperback

Published By: Harper Collins

Price: Rs 250/-

No. Of Pages: 350

About The Author: Kevin Missal wrote his first book at the age of 14 and at 22 the St. Stephens graduate is a bestselling author and a full time writer, with the first two books in his Kalki series being a runaway success. Kevin loves fantasy fiction and has always been a fan of mythology.
His books have been featured in publications like The Sunday Guardian, The New Indian Express and Millennium Post. He lives in Gurugram.

My Review: Firstly starting with the cover of the book which I really liked and found absolutely perfect with the story line. The book also have a map of the place called Illavati at the end, which makes it even more interesting!

I love the way how the author Kevin Missal, at the starting of the book has mentioned 'Note to the Reader' that this book is his way of reimagining  the very popular character of our Indian mythology: Narasimha. He has mentioned very clearly, that this is not an accurate tale of Lord Narasimha.
Because many a times, I have seen readers comparing these fiction mythology books to the real tales which we have been listening to from our very childhood. So, for me personally I really liked that start..

We all know that Narasimha is known to be as one of the avatars of Lord Vishnu, who has a face of lion and body of a human. We have also heard tales of Prahlad and Lord Indra.
So, these are the main characters of the story.

I love the way how story is knitted and how well all the characters are build and explained. The story is very interesting and it will make you turn pages continuously. The narration is absolutely gripping and clear.

Story starts with how Hiranyakashyap is mad to take revenge from Lord Indra for murdering his wife. How he want that ultimate nuclear weapon and do the trails. Nara has left the Simha army long time back and is living a life of isolation until Dev Indra came to him for his help to defeat Andhaka. Will Nara go back to his army which he left for a reason, which no one knows?

The book is little bit on the lengthier side.
It will surely be one of  the interesting books I have read this year.The book is suitable for all age group. Anybody who likes to read mythology fiction will enjoy it. I definitely look forward to the next one in the series.
I totally enjoyed reading it and highly recommend this book. Author Kevin Missal is surely doing a great job..
Do pick one for yourself:

Links To My Other Interesting Posts:

Book Review: Designing Destiny

Book Review: Sniper's Eye

Review Of Coconex Coconut Oil

Benefits Of Lavender Oil

Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil

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Book Review: Designing Destiny: The Heartfulness Way By Kamlesh Patel

Book Review: Designing Destiny: The Heartfulness Way! By Kamlesh Patel

Hello My Lovely Readers,

Today I would be reviewing a book which is very unique and different from all my earlier reviews.
It falls under the category of Spiritual and Self Help.
It is Designing Destiny : The Heartfulness Way By Daaji Kamlesh Patel

Today, we live in a state of chronic stress and a never ending list of expectations from ourselves, from others and from our destiny!
Sometimes, I wonder have we forgotten the feeling of satisfaction and peace?
We spend so much time thinking about our past and so little about our future..
This book sheds light on how can we design our destiny by choosing a proper lifestyle and balancing our thoughts and our personality.

About The Book: What does destiny mean in the course of our lives?
                              What is fixed and what can change?
                              How can we design our own destiny?
These are questions that some of the world's greatest philosophers have asked since time immemorial.In this groundbreaking book, Daaji addresses such questions with simple solutions and practical wisdom. He leads us on to the next stage of the journey after The Heartfulness Way, guiding us on how to use the Heartfulness practices to refine our lifestyle and design our destiny, including our destiny in the afterlife. He elaborates on the subject of consciousness, the role of evolution, and explains what happens to us at the time of birth and death- and how we can act in those pivotal moments when life takes a turn. as an opportunity to grow. He emphasises that, with a few sinple practices, a heart full of enthusiasm and an expanded consciousness, we can all discover our potential and the destiny we were born to fulfill.

Daaji inspires us to believe in ourselves and find a way forward, no matter what the challenge, and look at even the most difficult situation

About The Author: Known widely as Daaji, Kamlesh Patel is an original voice in an ancient tradition. His teaching arise from his personal experience on the path of Heartfulness, while reflecting his deep spirit of enquiry and respect for the world's great spiritual traditions ans scientific advancements.
Daaji practiced pharmacy in New York City for over three decades before being named as the successor in a century-old lineage of spiritual masters. Fulfilling the many duties of a modern- day guru, he extends his support to spiritual seekers everywhere.
A self professed student of spirituality, he devoted much of his time and energy to research in the field of consciousness and spirituality, approaching the subject with scientific methodology- a practical approach that stems from his own experience and mastery in the field.

Genre: Self Help\ Spirituality

Publisher: Westland Publications

Language: English

No. Of Pages: 219

Price: Rs 299/-

Review:  Most of us do believe that 'Destiny' is something which is already pre decided and something which is beyond  our control and cannot be changed.
The book basically explains the Heartfulness Practices, which can actually help us to design our own destiny in a way, which we want or which is best for us. It is all about balance between the inner and the outer life.

According to the author Kamlesh Patel, called as 'Daaji' by the followers of the Heartfulness Way, Heartfulness gives us a simple scientific approach to meditation: we are the experiment, the experimenter and the outcome. Our heart is a laboratory.
The three main process of designing destiny are:
1. Everything starts with from practice.
2. Practice leads to lifestyle.
3. Lifestyle leads to destiny

So it is not an overnight process, which can magically transform our destiny. It is all about taking baby steps every day every minute! If we follow meditative and spiritual practices as explained in the book, it will slowly become part of our daily life and personality and very soon as our lifestyle. Since the inner change is not enough, it should reflect outwardly too in day to day life. All these lifestyle changes and personality refinement, will help finally changing our destiny our future...
Destiny is created, step by step. bit by bit, through the journey of life!

The basic three steps of Heartfulness practice are:
1. Relaxation: Relaxation includes unwind physically, to calm down when we are upset, to relax tired muscles at the end of hectic day and to free our bodies and minds so that we can meditate. The process is very simple and gentle.

2. Meditation: Everything starts with a thought. In Heartfulness Meditation that thought is 'The source of divine light already present within my heart is drawing me inwards'. What makes Heartfulness meditation different from other types of meditation is the active presence of 'Pranahuti Or Transmission'.

3. Cleaning: Letting go of the past: It is a process of mental detoxification. It helps us to dive deeper into meditation, removing the impurities, complexities and emotional heaviness that accumulate during the day in our minds. It helps to feel lighter and more carefree.

The best part of the book is that the practices mentioned are very approachable and practical. It is not like most of the self help books, which seem to be 'to good to be true' and impractical. One can easily try these and see the difference.
It tells that we can surely design our destiny in the present, by designing ourselves and our lifestyle!
Small inclusions of meditative and spiritual practices can bring big difference in our life. All we need to do is stop complaining and regretting about our past and present and focus on improving our future in a peaceful and a happy way.

The books has various chapters and topics which explains all the Heartfulness practices. The book really motivates you to take a halt and think where you are going and do you want to improve it..
It helps you to take a deeper look at your inner self and see how powerful we can be.
The language is very simple to understand with lot of clarity.

This book can help you change how you look at life and can help to be more focused and peaceful. It conveys the message that spirituality and meditation practices are not that difficult, as we often believe!
It is surely a beautiful and very helpful book.

I would like to highly recommend this book. It is also available in Hindi as well some other languages.
Here is the link where you can buy it from:

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Book Review: The Sun Shines Down

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Book Review: The Peshwa

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Book Review: Sniper's Eye By Mainak Dhar

Book Review: Sniper's Eye By Mainak Dhar

Hello Lovely Readers!

Today's book review is about a book named Sniper's Eye by an Indian author Mainak Dhar.

Plot Summary: I was out on a date. Everything was perfect... Till that shot...a high- calibre one, no apparent sound. And, the man in front of me fell. A rifle with a suppressor. A sniper in the middle of a Mumbai mall..As the body count mounted, I was soon sucked deeper into the chaos unleashed by that shot. To survive and save those whom I care about, I have to become the man I left behind. I have no choice but to tap into a bloody past that has put me on the terror kill list. I may also have no option but to join hands with the sniper terrorizing Mumbai.
The problem is that the man has sworn to kill me.In a world where the young and poor kill and die in conflicts started by the old and rich, I and my unlikely companion finally discover the thin line that separates a mere killer from a hero.

Genre: Thriller Fiction

Language: English

No. Of Pages: 224

Price: Rs 299/-

About The Author: Mainak Dhar is an alumnus of IIM, Ahmadabad and has spent more than two decades in the corporate sector. A self described cubicle dweller by day and writer by night, Mainak is also the author of over a dozen books, some of which have been bestsellers in India and abroad.

My Review:
It is a nice suspense thriller. The story revolves around a man named as Aaditya, who is an ex army officer and had quite a controversial past there. He has now moved on with his life as a civilian with his girlfriend Zoya.. His past in army is something which he did not want to talk about now, in his new life. However, once he was in mall with his girlfriend, there was a sniper attack and the man was shot dead in front of him. As an ex army officer instinct, he just ran to catch the snipers in the opposite building. This all got him involved in the whole game of continuous attacks in the next few days and ultimately he himself too ended up in the hit list of the enemy..... So, the story is about why is he in the 'To be dead' list of the enemies? How will he save himself? Does this has something to do with his scandalous past in army?

The story moves very fast and does not feel boring or slow. Whole of the story basically revolves around Aaditya. The language used is pretty simple. No complex story line or heavy jargons.
It does involve a highly sensitive area\topic for India that is relationship between India and Pakistan and the terrorism!!
It shows how media can be manipulative and far from reality and how does the corruption works among people sitting on the powerful positions.

Overall it was an average read for me as a fiction thriller. It was not boring at all but was not too exciting for me personally. If you like these kind of thriller suspense, here is the link for you guys to buy this one :)

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Book Review: The Sun shines Down

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Book Review: Prince Of Patliputra!

Book Review: I am M M Mumbai!

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Book Review: The Sun Shines Down By Sankha Ghosh

Book Review: The Sun Shines Down By Sankha Ghosh

Hello Lovely Readers,

I am back with an another book review. The book I would be reviewing today is slightly different from the kind of books I usually read and review. Although this one is also Fiction Thriller but the story line is related to Politics.
The name of the book is 'The Sun Shines Down' By an Indian author Sankha Ghosh.

Plot Summary: Shreya Basu is a kind of politician India has hardly ever witnessed and that too from a political party which has been suffering from an existential crisis for last few years. With an impeccable beauty and excellent oratory skill, Shreya Basu's shot to fame is no less than a fairy tale. But now she wishes to contest election with a powerful incumbent government at their own bastion. But little did she know about the dirty inlands of this murky game of politics. And, in this topsy- turvy ride to power, she came across the enigmatic Hector Fernandez. Obscured by thousands of unanswered questions, Hector Fernanadez is haunted by the ghosts of his past. And, to put them to rest, he wants one single thing, Vengeance. And, when Shreya's seamless ambition to acquire power meets Hector's hate- filled stigma of retribution, it wreaks war.
Unmasking the gloomy secrets all the way from the manipulative political lobbyists to the leaden secrets of media-mafia, from the shady by lanes of Mumbai to the precarious land of Balochistan- the duo challenges the power- barons inviting the threats they barely anticipated to come their way. But even the duo's infallible tactics may not be enough to save their goals, or themselves, from succumbing to their nemesis.

Published By: Hawakal Publishers

Genre: Fiction Thriller

Language: English

No. Of Pages: 139

Price: Rs 250/-

About The Author: Sankha Ghosh is a banker by day and writer by night. Starting off as an environmental activist with an international foundation, he eventually got into the exciting industry of banking. An avid observer, an alternate thinker, and strictly opinionated, his writings have been published in several national and international blogs.

My Review:
This book will be a nice read for all those people who love to read stories revolving around politics especially Indian politics. The story line is not at all complex and is very fluid and clear.
The book has 139 pages which means it is a very fast read and you can easily finish it in a couple of days. These types of books are great to travel with since these are light read.

The story starts with the Junaid Ahmed who was preparing and appeared for the State Service Commission examination. He was mysteriously murdered when he came to know about the whole corruption and system of exchange of money for getting a seat in the SSC passing list. He wanted to expose the scam but was murdered. His brother Faiz wanted to take revenge for his innocent dead brother, but he was also tortured and threatened to keep quiet.

The main protagonist Shreya Basu is an epitome of what today's women should be! She is a beauty with brains and in Indian politics. She shot to fame in no time and very soon was running in the race of the next potential Chief minister.. The story continues with how her whole campaign was designed by appointing best of the best people to win the heart of the masses.
The another main character is Hector Fernandez, who has had a lot in his past and has quite twists and turns in his life..

Make sure to read the book to know how the two parallel stories progress and end. What happened to Shreya Basu's political career.Will she succeed? A glimpse of our current Indian politics...

Overall I would say the author has done a nice job with just 139 pages since the story or the characters never felt incomplete. A nice attempt with a different story!

A nice one time read! :-)

Do pick a copy for yourself:

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Book Review-Peshwa War Of Deceivers

All About Bamboo Toothbrushes!

Book Review- Prince Of Patliputra

Book Review: The Alpha Yeti!

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Book Review: The Peshwa: War Of The Deceivers By Ram SivaSankaran

Book Review: The Peshwa: War Of The Deceivers By Ram SivaSankaran

Hi Friends,

Today's book is again for all those Epic\Indian History lovers!
'The Peshwa- War Of The Deceivers' by Indian author Ram Sivasankaran. This is the Second book in the Peshwa series.

Plot Summary: Seven years have passed since Peshwa Bajirao Bhat annihilated the Nizam's armies at Fort Mandu. Th two forces have been engaged in attacks and skirmishes ever since. Acting on the advice of his right hand man, the mysterious Anaamik Dabhade, the Peshwa now sets about laying a trap to truly ensnare the Mughals, and break their might.
The empire of course has methods of his own. And Nizam Ul Mulk is itching for an opportunity to exact revenge of the formidable Bajirao. With assassins, saboteurs and criminals infiltrating the Maratha lands, the Mughal Empire scores as many victories in the night as the Peshwa does during the day.
Meanwhile, in the far reaches of the country, set ablaze by the never ending conflict between these major powers, a Sikh warlord, a Rajput king and a Bundela princess find themselves increasingly tangled up in the endgame that will determine the very course of history. It is a battle of wits and skill, and the greatest deceiver of them all will prevail.

Published By: Westland Books

Genre: Fiction

Language: English

Price: Rs 599/-

No. Of Pages: 474

About The Author: Ram was born in Madras, India but has spent most of his life abroad, largely in the Middle East and US. He was brought up on stories from Hindu legend and the great epics and classics of both India and the West. He had his master's degree from Stanford University specializing in aeronautics, space environment, astronautics and plasma phenomena. Although, scientist by training, Ram is, at heart, a daydreamer of sorts, who believes deeply in the power of imagination.

My Review:
This is the second book in the Peshwa series by the author. Although, I have not read the first one but still I decided to read this one and totally enjoyed it. Peshwas Bajirao is quite a prominent name in our Indian history. Specially after the block buster movie, our Indian audience have became much more interested in him! No wonder Bajirao's life was full of twists and turns and thrill..
This book is a nice & fine piece of Indian History Fiction. It will surely make you feel transported to that time and era...I love the amount of detailing in the narration by the author. The story line is thrilling and engaging.

Even the starting scene of  Chimaji and Kashiraj on the boat impressed me and aroused my curiosity to read further..
The story is just not about Peshwa but includes many characters who played important role from time to time likes Kashibai , Mastani, Nizam etc

It did took me some days to finish it since some of the scenes and characters are quite detailed and elaborated. It has all the interesting elements in it like war, throne politics, Kings, Family, Lust for power... All the characters are well defined including their dressing, expressions etc

The author surely knows how to tell a story interestingly and make it a page turner!
Having said all the above, this book do require some patience to complete it and enjoy it to its fullest. Would like to highly recommend this book to all the History Fiction lovers!
I am surely looking forward to reading more from the author.

Link to Buy:

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Book Review Ashwatthamas Redemption

Book Review- I am m-m-Mumbai

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Book Review: Pi Agency

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